Yesterday was 中秋节, and thanks to our "friends" in Indonesia, it was a very hazy day. The visilibility dropped significantly, thus I can't even see the 月亮! Air quality was also bad, I think I can smell the haze, and it's actually causing some uneasiness to my respiration. These inconsiderate, unscrupulous people are really ticking me off. Is the Indonesian government so incompetent? Or are they simply ignorant? Give me an army, and I'll conquer that country and put an end to this once and for all.
Anyway, I didn't end up carrying the lantern and walk around my Taman, just went for badminton, sent my dirty clothes to the dobi shop, quick dinner, and also spent some quality time chatting online and not so fruitful time playing games online. I slept around 3am I think after reading a little bit more of 倚天屠龙记 by 金庸.
I woke up around 8:30am today morning. You must be wondering.. "You're not working, why are you getting up so early, crazy ar you?" No... I'm not crazy, and it was not for exercise. I made an appointment to meet up with the developer's site supervisor and contractor for my new house at 9am. Please take note of the time... 9AM October 7, 2006.
I waited... it was 9:30AM, no one showed up, not even the site supervisor. The contractor's an uneducated retard, so I give him a little bit more allowance. (Ok, that may sound a little too harsh, but I'm not exaggerating at all, and I'm not repentent for saying that!) Why? Because the first time I met him, not only was he rude to me (who's the customer), but also say silly things like "We have different level of education, so I don't want to waste my time talking/explaining to you, blah blah blah..." Oh give me a break, and be reasonable. It doesn't matter if a person has little or no education, but it's all about the attitude and mindset. The fact that he promised to be onsite at 9am, but did not without explanation or proper notification, just goes to show his character and values (none I believe). 华人最讲信用,他连这么基本的做人道理也不会,那不是丢了我们华人的脸,也枉称为人!
Anyway, I was disappointed because the site superviror's no where to be seen! I called him, and he said that he's on the way. Why does Malaysians have to be like that? Don't they know anything about accountability? I think this is why Malaysia's so slow in developing and catching up with other developing nation... Mindset, and attitude! If you say 9am, be there at 9am, not 9:30, 10, 10:30am, or worst.. FFK! If you can't make it on-time, CALL to inform others that you'll be late, don't let people just wait for you unknowingly. That's very irresponsible, and rude! Especially if the people waiting for you are your customers!
The site supervisor showed up round 9:40am, but the contractor's still nowhere to be seen. I waited, and waited, and waited... By 11:15am, I gave up. I called up the developer's manager and expressed my utmost dissatisfaction, and wanted a satisfactory explanation/follow-up to today's situation. Failing which, I'll hold the developer accountable as well, cause I can only assume that they accept the contractor's behavior by condoning his actions, or they simply do not care about customer's interests, despite promising during sales that any defects will be taken care of promptly.
The reason why I'm waking up early to deal with these unhonorable people is because I've been delayed from moving into my new house for 2 months because of the contractor's incompetency in fixing the defects that I've identified in my new house. They claim that the defects have been fixed, but everytime I check, they're still there! Makes me wonder if they're just giving me lame excuses and trying to ignore me; trying to delay as much as they could until I'm worn out, and say to them "Ok... give me the keys, I'll fix the problem on my own, and on my own expense! Please.. oh please give me the keys, I beg you... Oh developer. I know I've paid RM200K for this, and I'm the customer, but I beg you... please... give me the keys... give me my precious...." Duh........ Customer service anyone?
Anyway, I've given them an ULTIMATUM. I want my keys this Monday, I don't care if the problems are not fixed. I'll fix them, and they'll pay for them. Failing which, I'll make sure they understand that ONE angry customer would tell 10 friends that their houses are bad, and 10 friends would tell 10 friends, 10x10x10... You get the idea....
Hopefully this would pressure them into doing something meaningful to solve my problems, and let me move in soon!! Anyway, enough about that. Let me end with some nice quotes on 中秋节 that I found on the web:
Anyway, I didn't end up carrying the lantern and walk around my Taman, just went for badminton, sent my dirty clothes to the dobi shop, quick dinner, and also spent some quality time chatting online and not so fruitful time playing games online. I slept around 3am I think after reading a little bit more of 倚天屠龙记 by 金庸.
I woke up around 8:30am today morning. You must be wondering.. "You're not working, why are you getting up so early, crazy ar you?" No... I'm not crazy, and it was not for exercise. I made an appointment to meet up with the developer's site supervisor and contractor for my new house at 9am. Please take note of the time... 9AM October 7, 2006.
I waited... it was 9:30AM, no one showed up, not even the site supervisor. The contractor's an uneducated retard, so I give him a little bit more allowance. (Ok, that may sound a little too harsh, but I'm not exaggerating at all, and I'm not repentent for saying that!) Why? Because the first time I met him, not only was he rude to me (who's the customer), but also say silly things like "We have different level of education, so I don't want to waste my time talking/explaining to you, blah blah blah..." Oh give me a break, and be reasonable. It doesn't matter if a person has little or no education, but it's all about the attitude and mindset. The fact that he promised to be onsite at 9am, but did not without explanation or proper notification, just goes to show his character and values (none I believe). 华人最讲信用,他连这么基本的做人道理也不会,那不是丢了我们华人的脸,也枉称为人!
Anyway, I was disappointed because the site superviror's no where to be seen! I called him, and he said that he's on the way. Why does Malaysians have to be like that? Don't they know anything about accountability? I think this is why Malaysia's so slow in developing and catching up with other developing nation... Mindset, and attitude! If you say 9am, be there at 9am, not 9:30, 10, 10:30am, or worst.. FFK! If you can't make it on-time, CALL to inform others that you'll be late, don't let people just wait for you unknowingly. That's very irresponsible, and rude! Especially if the people waiting for you are your customers!
The site supervisor showed up round 9:40am, but the contractor's still nowhere to be seen. I waited, and waited, and waited... By 11:15am, I gave up. I called up the developer's manager and expressed my utmost dissatisfaction, and wanted a satisfactory explanation/follow-up to today's situation. Failing which, I'll hold the developer accountable as well, cause I can only assume that they accept the contractor's behavior by condoning his actions, or they simply do not care about customer's interests, despite promising during sales that any defects will be taken care of promptly.
The reason why I'm waking up early to deal with these unhonorable people is because I've been delayed from moving into my new house for 2 months because of the contractor's incompetency in fixing the defects that I've identified in my new house. They claim that the defects have been fixed, but everytime I check, they're still there! Makes me wonder if they're just giving me lame excuses and trying to ignore me; trying to delay as much as they could until I'm worn out, and say to them "Ok... give me the keys, I'll fix the problem on my own, and on my own expense! Please.. oh please give me the keys, I beg you... Oh developer. I know I've paid RM200K for this, and I'm the customer, but I beg you... please... give me the keys... give me my precious...." Duh........ Customer service anyone?
Anyway, I've given them an ULTIMATUM. I want my keys this Monday, I don't care if the problems are not fixed. I'll fix them, and they'll pay for them. Failing which, I'll make sure they understand that ONE angry customer would tell 10 friends that their houses are bad, and 10 friends would tell 10 friends, 10x10x10... You get the idea....
Hopefully this would pressure them into doing something meaningful to solve my problems, and let me move in soon!! Anyway, enough about that. Let me end with some nice quotes on 中秋节 that I found on the web:
- 悠悠的云里有淡淡的诗,淡淡的诗里有绵绵的喜悦,绵绵的喜悦里有我轻轻的问候,中秋快乐!
- 年年圆满如意,月月事事顺心,日日喜悦无忧,时时高兴欢喜,刻刻充满朝气,月圆人圆花好,事顺业顺家兴!
- 秋夜,秋风,中秋月。天明,月亮,汝更靓。秋风月,中秋夜,思乡切。
- 网缘!情缘!月圆!中秋夜语寄相思,花好月圆情难圆。带去问候和思恋,心想事成愿缘圆。
- 海上明月共潮生,千里相思随云去,遥寄祝福千万缕,化作清风入梦里。中秋快乐!
- 清风带去我的祝福,明月捎走我的问候,送你一丝风儿,赠你一缕月儿,风月无边,人间有情,中秋快乐
- 秋江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生,花好月圆人团聚,祝福声声伴你行。祝你中秋愉快,靓丽一生!